Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Utah State Fair

I was asked to demonstrate at the Utah State Fair this morning. My spinning guild put the guilts on us members to not only demonstrate spinning, but to also enter some of our hand spun yarn and or an item that we had made out of our hand spun yarn.
So here is a picture of my entry, and guess what I won sweepstakes for this little baby christening dress. It was my first time entering any hand spun knitted item in the state fair, and I'm really pleased.
After I finished with my turn of demoing, I headed out to the livestock barns. I wanted to see some different sheep types, but on my way to the sheep barns I came across this beautiful animal. I don't know the women or her children, but they made good scale so that you could see the size of this big boy.
As you can read from the sign this is an ox. Now I have three little calves in the corral at the back of my site at the village. They are our oxen in training, so on Monday when I go to work I will take a picture of them so you can see my little "beef cake boys".

When I did reach the sheep barn, I was dissapointed to see that the only sheep they had where suffolks. Maybe the others had already gone home. All in all it was a good day at the fair.

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